Saturday, March 13, 2010

The film we watched in class Food Inc was a rather haunting look at the truth behind the food industy. After all who really knows where their food is coming from. And the fact that on everything you buy in the super market there is the illusion that what ever your purchasing was made on the same one farm in a rural town in Kentucky or something, and the farmer is just one guy with a moustache who's the average american farm worker. but really it's a bunch illegal alien workers who end up owing the company they work for, for housing, and food, thus turning them almost litterally into slaves for the company they work for, and the most disgusting part of all of this is that when the immigration services crack down on these companies who gets stick? it's not the employers it's the workers, and the worst these manufacturers get is maybe a warnng.
After watching the film these things started to make sense and as i made my own assesment it all dawned on me that the movie was absolutely right. the food industry was lying to our faces for all of these years. my roommate brought some steaks from the super market and i looked at the label on the package to see where it was "made". the stcker said ridgewood queens, and i thought to myself that i could not remember the last time i saw a cow in queens. so where did this steak actually come from. I would just become a vegetarian, but i have know way of telling where these friuts or vegetables are coming from either. Maybe i'll just start harvesting them myself.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mike!

    There are Urban Homesteaders who try to DIY as much as possible. Maybe you can join their number and harvest vegetables yourself!

    Seriously, I like that you focused on the "illusion" of the farm as a sales technique designed to hide the real way food is produced in 2010. Very astute.
